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Sunday, August 14, 2011


 On August 15 ....South Korea celebrates freedom from Japan during the World War II.
 On the other hand, the original date of INDEPENDENCE DAY was August 13th 1948.
In 1910, Korea was under Japan. Everything was darkness. there was no freedom at all until Japan was forced to surrender due to nuclear bomb.

The flag of South Korea, or Taegeukgi (also spelled Taegukgi in convention) has three parts: a white background; a red and blue taegeuk in the centre; and four black trigrams, one in each corner of the flag.
The general design of the flag also derives from traditional use of the tricolour symbol (red, blue and yellow) by Koreans starting from the early era of Korean history. The white background symbolises "cleanliness of the people." The Taegeuk represents the origin of all things in the universe. Together, they represent a continuous movement within infinity, the two merging as one. 
Traditionally, the four trigrams are related to the Five Elements of fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. An analogy could also be drawn with the four western classical elements.

They are my Korean students in first class singing the Korean National anthem.. (but not seriously)

                                   School Speech Contest ===== as celebration of  INDEPENDENCE DAY.

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