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Sunday, August 14, 2011

My First Glance

My first flight ever in my life~that was last year,October 30.
I heard my heart whispered  tons of curiosity;
My first glance was given by our God almighty,
I was surprised to see Korea, oh dude it's reality!

In this fascinating dream land~
I came to see and touched with my right hand;
everything from the plane we're just pieces of sand,
It's like magic , an art from a  mysterical wand.

I was hungry then, the foods were spicy~
there were variety of drinks that could make you dizzy;
I wonder how my family so badly missed me,
but I knew too well, they love me dearly.

The leaves were falling one by one~
I reminisce the things I stupidly done;
I was walking the bridge with my loving hon,
Busy   people around , it looks so fun.

In the cold arms of winter~

I hid myself as a painter;
I thought I could be someone like the other;
but then I realized , I am someone better.

Finally, the white season is about to say "Bye"
The trees and the grasses will no longer die;
It's another reason for me to say "Hi!"
No matter where we are, we share only one sky!

written on (Feb. 26, 2011)

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